05 October 2012

Master in Science (Statistics) project

Finally, I have started my Master project.
And, honestly, it's not as easy as what I expected.

'Markov Chain Monte Carlo Simulation for Bayesian Hidden Markov Models.'
This is the 'great topic' given by my project supervisor.
There are so many definitions, theorems, applications, that I am not familiar with.
Even I have started this project 4 months ago, but I still lost.
I admitted that I was so lazy and spending less time doing homework.
It is my fault because not putting much effort on it, even though I know it is tough.

Every weekday I worked from 9am-6pm.
And every working adult should know that,
working life is damn tired...
So everyday once I reached home at 7pm, I was like:
'Oh man, still studying? No way! Let me have some fun first.'
That's the reason (excuse, haa...) why I could not spend revision time on my weekdays.
How about weekend?
Of course I need 1 day for dating, since I have no time for dating during weekdays.
So, left 1 day for me to do the revision.
Honestly, it is not enough for the project,
as far as what I can see for this past 4 months...

OK OK, fine, I am the one who decided to study Master at the beginning.
So no more complaints and I gotta move on!
Now I am hanging out at UM library to borrow some Bayesian reference books.
And, still I am spending the time to type this blog instead of studying... >.<

OK OK, gotta go, and wish me the best for this project.

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